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Moda Gynecology

After Hours

We Provide After Hours Help

After hours, call the office at (908) 652-5179 and you will be directed to an answering service for all non-emergent issues.  Please be aware that after-hours calls are intended for urgent medical issues that cannot wait until the next business day.  For any emergent issues, please dial 911 or go to the nearest Emergency Room.


If an emergency should arise, please call 911 immediately.  Our office is equipped for urgent but not emergent care.   Such conditions for emergency care are life-threatening, such as loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc. For mental health emergencies, help is available 24/7 Suicide & Crisis Hotline at 98824/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline  1-800-273-TALK (8255)   En Espanol:  1-888-628-945424/7 Crisis Text Line: Text "HOME" to 741-741

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